Tuesday, December 23, 2008


The world is in end-times. It is not good for the USA. Calamities are coming. No politician has the answer. Only God can save America. Deception and division are prominent among our political leaders. Our hope, as the Church of Jesus Christ, is only in Christ. We must not fret over evil men or their deeds, but be stedfast in our faith in God. Whatever comes will not destroy (but will purify) the Church. God's plan will succeed, but these will be trying times for the Christian and for Israel. We must be persistent in prayer. Your endurance will be tested. Decide ahead of time to remain true. Don't wait until the fiery trial comes to decide whether to be faithful or not. Your mind must be made up ahead of time, by faithfullness, holiness, integrity and walking in the fear of God.

1 comment:

sz said...

This is very encouraging to me. Be steadfast, don't waver. Now is not the time to grow weary. This is the message that I need to remind myself of daily! Thanks Dad!