Tuesday, December 2, 2008


November 6

The election is over. Beware of complacency. We need to remain vigilant. Those who have an understanding of the times will continue to have a sense of urgency to prepare against the flood of ungodliness that will come against those who name the name of Christ.
The time to be shoring up your defenses is now. Our test will be as great or greater than the children of Israel had in the wilderness, which the Bible called the Day of Provocation (Hebrews 3:7-15). You will be partaker of Christ, only if you hold fast to Him to the end. Faith-filled endurance is now the key ingredient for these days. Our attitude will need to be, “This world is not my home; I’m just a passing through.”
The laws of our land will turn against true Christians. Legislation will be passed outlawing a list of hate crimes that will restrict what a preacher can preach. There will arise an outward church that conforms to this world’s agenda, but a supernatural church will go underground, just as it is already in many persecuted countries. Deliverance will not come from our government. Yet, the church will be purified by the battle.
What I am describing is certainly a foreboding picture, but it is the church’s finest hour to excel (and for individual believers). The potential will abound for more joy, victory, power and greater experience with a genuine relationship with God. We will see God move in great deliverance, as well as, in the giving of grace to endure the trials we face. Yet, those who have no deep spiritual root will succumb and fall away from God.
It is not a time for getting caught up in the world‘s system. If you would see Heaven, make the choice now to seek God earnestly for yourself and your family. I do not think the end is right now upon our heads, but I do think our time to procrastinate is gone. Where you are right now with God, or where you will now determine to be with Him, is most likely the place you will be when Jesus returns. Watch and pray. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.
Along with the persecution of Christians there will be minor judgments of God on our nation, Natural disasters will increase, such as, earthquakes, storms, droughts, flooding, etc. Attacks from terrorists will continue to come. Devastations will take place that will cause many to panic. Whatever can be shaken will be shaken.
It is time to hold on to what is solid and cannot be moved. Your house, hope, life, family, is only as secure as whatever you have built them upon. Christ is our only sure foundation. No weapon, plan, counsel or scheme of man or devil can succeed against God. Whatever the storms may bring, you will not be moved, if you are anchored in Him.

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